Dr. Sunny Goel

Dr. Sunny Goel

Urologist & Andrologist

Dr Sunny Goel is a Urologist, trained from King George Medical University, Lucknow. He is a certified Robotic Surgeon in Urologic Cancers and Kidney Transplant. His expertise is in treatment of kidney stones, prostate related disorders, urologic cancers, chronic kidney diseases needing kidney transplant, erectile dysfunction and various urology related disorders.

He is a Gold Medallist in Urology received by the then Governor of Uttar Pradesh. He has more than 35 publications in both national and international journals. He has been a part of various conferences held nationally. He has been a part of transplant program being run by Tanzania Government, Africa. He is a certified Robotic Surgeon trained on Da Vinci Robot via Vattikuti Foundation, USA.

I believe in patient centric treatment and encourage patients in shared decision making. I am passionate towards educating patients about their disease and providing then with all treatment options which will give the patient confidence and courage in undergoing treatment.

Dr. Sunny Goel


Rigid Bronchoscopy

Procedure used to open clogged heart arteries and clean them.


Balloon Bronchoplasty

Procedure used to improve blood flow to your heart.


Bronchial Stent

Procedure used to open arteries in heart and place stent.



Procedure that scars tissue in heart to block blood signals.

Dr. Sunny Goel - Senior Consultant - Urology - Epitome Hospitals
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Biography details

Medical Qualification

Vattikuti Robotic Fellowship
Medanta Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery, Gurugram (2020-2021)

M.Ch Urology
King George Medical University, Lucknow (2015-18)

M.S. General Surgery
University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, New Delhi (2011-14)

Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (2005-10)

Specialization & Expertise


  • Kidney and ureter stones – PCNL, RIRS, URSL
  • Bladder stones – Cystulithotomy
  • Enlarged Prostate – TURP, HulEP, BNI
  • Bladder Mass – TURBT
  • Urethral stricture disease – DVIU

Reconstructive Urulogy

  • Ureteropelvic junction obstruction – Pyeloplasty
  • Urethral stricture disease – Urethroplasty
  • Ureteric strictures – Ureter reconstruction
  • Vesico-vaginal fistulas – Repair
  • Erectile Dysfunction – Penile Prosthesis

Kidney Transplant – open and laparoscopic

Paediatric Urulogic surgery

  • Hypospadias repair
  • Vesico-ureteral reflux repair
  • Epispadias Repair

Female Urulogy

  • Stress Incontinence – TVT/ TOT
  • Urge Incontinence – Botox Injection
  • Genito-urinary Prulapse – Repair
  • Vesico-vaginal Fistula Repairs

Penile procedures

  • Circumcision
  • Epispadias repair
  • Hypospadias Repair
  • Chordee repair
  • Peyronies disease
  • Penile Prosthesis


  • Hernia/hydrocele
  • Orchidopexy
  • Orchidectomy
  • Placement of testicular prosthesis
  • Varicocele Repair

Urinary tract Infections

  • Upper Urinary tract – Pyelonephritis, Pyonephrosis, Tuberculosis, Renal Abscess
  • Lower Urinary tract – Cystitis, Urethritis, Prostatitis, Prostatic abscess

Urologic Cancers

  • Kidney cancer – Radical Nephrectomy, Partial Nephrectomy
  • Ureteral Cancer – Ureterotomy, Radical Nephroureterctomy
  • Bladder Cancer – TURBT, Radical Cystectomy, Partial Cystectomy, ileal conduit, neobladders
  • Penile cancer – Penectomy
  • Testicular cancer – Radical Orchidectomy
Professional Memberships
Membership of Professional Bodies
American Urological Association 00919759 https://www.auanet.org/
North Zone Urological Society of India NZG155A http://nzusi.org/
Urological Society of India G283 http://usi.org.in/
Urological Association of Uttar Pradesh 173 https://www.uauonline.in
Awards & Achievements
  • Awarded prestigious “Prof. T.C.Goel Gold Medal” for best M.Ch (Urology) post-graduate student for year 2018, on 30th Oct, 2018.
  • “Certificate of excellence”– Won first prize in Uro-quiz (Urology quiz for postgraduates by IPCA) on 23rd April 2016 at the Department of Urology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).
  • 3rd prize in PG Quiz at NZUSICON-2017 held at Meerut
  • Awarded the Vattikutti foundation robotic surgeons council scholarship 2017 held at Taj Coromandel Hotel, Chennai on 9th April, 2017.
  • Declared as subject expert in Urology for my study “Priapism due to essential thrombocythemia: a rare causation” by PubIndex International (The International Consortium for clinical research excellence, ethics and education) on 21 Oct 2017
Journal Publications
  1. Goel S, Sinha RJ, Bhaskar V, Aeron R, Sharma A, Singh V. Role of gemcitabine and cisplatin as neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle invasive bladder cancer: Experience over the last decade. Asian J Urol. 2019 Jul;6(3):222-229
  2. Sokhal AK, Gupta P, Goel A, Goel S, Singh K. Towards competency-based training in Urology. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Urology.
  3. Sokhal AK, Singh K, Goel S, Kumar M, Purkait B, Sain DK, Gupta AK, Sankhwar S. Do preoperative alpha blockers facilitate ureteroscope insertion at the vesico-ureteric junction? An answer from a prospective case-controlled study. EMJ. 2017;2(3):82-6
  4. Goel S, Sokhal AK, Singh BP, Aggarwal A. Priapism due to essential thrombocythaemia: a rare causation. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Aug 18;2017
  5. Goel S, Aeron R, Goel A, Singhai A. Retroperitoneal teratoma simulating giant adrenal myelolipoma: a diagnostic puzzle. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Sep 28;2017
  6. Goel S, Gupta AK, Goel A, Aeron R. IVC tumoural thrombosis: an unusual complication of testicular tumour. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Jul 14;2017
  7. Goel S, Garg G, Kumar M, Aeron R. Infarto cerebelar após orquidopexia sob raquianestesia [Cerebellar infarct following orchidopexy under spinal anesthesia]. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2019 Jan-Feb;69(1):109-112. Portuguese
  8. Agarwal S, Goel S, Aeron R, Sankwar SN. Misplaced Foley catheter in ureter in a female with neurogenic bladder: a rare complication report. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Aug 17;2018:bcr2018226144
  9. Aeron R, Goel S, Singh M, Gupta AK. Congenital prepubic sinus (an epispadiac variant of dorsal urethral duplication) with dorsal penile curvature in an adult man: a rare association. BMJ Case Reports. 2017 Jun 8;2017: bcr-2017.
  10. Aeron R, Goel S, Goel A, Kumar V. Spontaneous non-obstructive nephropleural fistula with an autoimmune disorder causing massive urinothorax: a rare association. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Sep 25;2017
  11. Agarwal S, Goel S, Sankhwar SN, Garg G. Circumcaval ureter/retrocaval ureter. Accepted in BMJ Case Reports.
  12. Goel S, Goel A, Aggarwal A, Purkait B. Re: Nasser et al.: Dismembered Pyeloplasty in Infants 6 Months Old or Younger With and Without External Trans-anastomotic Nephrostent: A Prospective Randomized Study (Urology 2016;101:38-44). Urology. 2017 Mar;101:171
  13. Goel S, Goel A, Bansal A. Re: Churukanti et al: Role of Ultrasonography for Testicular Injuries in Penetrating Scrotal Trauma (Urology 2016;95:208-212). Urology. 2017 Jan;99:290-291.
  14. Sharma A, Goel A, Goel S, Aeron R. Re: Jing et al.: A Novel Retrieval Technique for Ureteral Stents Under Ultrasound Guidance in Male Patients (Urology 2017; 106: 226-230). Urology. 2018 Jan 1;111:239.
  15. Sharma A, Goel A, Goel S, Pandey S. Re: Yoshida et al.: Ureteral Wall Thickness as a Preoperative Indicator of Impacted Stones in Patients with Ureteral Stones Undergoing Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy. Urology 2017;106:45-49
Previous Work Experience








Epitome Kidney Urology Institute Senior Consultant – Urology July 2021-till date
Medanta, The Medicity, Gurugram Vattikuti Robotic Fellow July 2020-June 2021
BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi Associate Consultant – Urology Aug 2018 – Apr-2020
King George Medical University, Lucknow M.Ch Resident Urology Aug 2015 – July 2018